Thur. Aug. 9/07 When You’re Not Lost To tell your own story As if it’s real Is to be lost. This is allowed When you and your audience Both know when you’re lost As well as you know when you’re not. Only stories can have such endings. Not knowing. I have argued this …
Tag: Evolutionary Ecology
Jan 18
The Journey (to Find a Pathway to Global Climate and Conservation Responsibility) Step 4 of 8 – Intimacy with Ideas is ‘Awesome’
Thurs. July 26/07 Ageless and TirelessThe heat drains.The cold braces.Our bodies know what to do. In what distant placesAnd what special climes,Over what vast timesHave they learned this?The knowing bodyThat rises each morningAnd sleeps every nightIs agelessAnd tireless. Let’s take a closer look at this verse that comes at the end of ‘The Journey Step 3’. In …
Jan 15
The Journey (to Find a Pathway to Global Climate and Conservation Responsibility) Step 3 of 8 – Love Deepens
This is the third in what will be a series of twice-weekly posts in which I’ll question the possibility, explore the difficulty, and argue for the mobilisation potential, of understanding the systems of Nature on a personal level. Please use the links at the top of the page to read the earlier ‘steps’. Thus, when you practice just sitting …
Jan 11
The Journey (to Find a Pathway to Global Climate and Conservation Responsibility) Step 2 of 8 – Love Grows
This is the second in what will be a series of twice-weekly posts in which I’ll question the possibility, explore the difficulty, and argue for the mobilization potential, of understanding the systems of Nature on a personal level. Please use the links at the top of the page to read the earlier ‘steps’. Tues. June 12/07 ‘Cookie Time’ with …
Jan 03
The Journey (to Find a Pathway to Global Climate and Conservation Responsibility) Step 1 of 8 – Love is Personal
This is the first in what will be a series of twice-weekly posts in which, using both science and poetry, I’ll question the possibility, explore the difficulty, and argue for the mobilization potential, of understanding the systems of Nature on a personal level. 9 A flesh-cutting net holds Life’s Canopy Through ever-now ages of spreading …