we don't need to change how we do conservation, we need to change why we do it

Tag: Dogen

Tangled yet Vital Relationship between Buddhism and the Scientific Mind

In this perilous decade of transition, for both Humans and Nature, an awakening mind must not underrate the evolutionary value of a wandering and occasionally fixating mind. A human mind cannot be creative if it doesn’t wander freely, and regularly; and must even hold onto hypotheses long enough to ignite the curiosity, and ultimately the …

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Old Buddha’s Gift, Part-5: Young Buddha Finds a Trinket

A short selection from Essay Thirty-three in Darwin, Dogen, and the Extremophile Choice. [YOU MIGHT WANT TO SKIP THIS ON A FIRST READING OF THE TWO BUDDHAS SEQUENCE] … though commoners have no method of ‘beating the cart’ … on the way of the Buddha … this is the very eye of study … it …

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Old Buddha’s Gift, Part-2: Bodymind Re-ligation

A short selection from Essay Twenty-Eight in Darwin, Dogen, and the Extremophile Choice. [YOU MIGHT WANT TO SKIP THIS ON A FIRST READING OF THE TWO BUDDHAS SEQUENCE] … to understand religion and to affirm it are not the same but almost exactly the opposite. —Merleau-Ponty (as interpreted by Remy C. Kwant) [1] Objectivity is …

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Old Buddha’s Gift, Part-1: the Body is Mind

A short selection from Essay Twenty-Seven in Darwin, Dogen, and the Extremophile Choice. [YOU MIGHT WANT TO SKIP THIS ON A FIRST READING OF THE TWO BUDDHAS SEQUENCE] “If your cart doesn’t move,” [Dogen] asks, “is it better to prod the cart or to prod the horse (sic)” …everyone knows you should prod the horse …

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Young Buddha leaves Home, Part-2: the Practice

By admin in Humanity’s Future A short selection from Essay Twenty-Five in Darwin, Dogen, and the Extremophile Choice. [YOU MIGHT WANT TO SKIP THIS ON A FIRST READING OF THE TWO BUDDHAS SEQUENCE] What would it be like to settle into your own body, into a sense of just being alive, even for a few moments … You …

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Young Buddha leaves Home, Part-1: Looking Inward

A short selection from Essay Twenty-Four in Darwin, Dogen, and the Extremophile Choice. [YOU MIGHT WANT TO SKIP THIS ON A FIRST READING OF THE TWO BUDDHAS SEQUENCE] [Phenomenological reduction] is a piece of pure self-reflection, exhibiting the most original evident facts; moreover, if it brings into view in them the outlines of idealism … …

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Two Buddhas Dance, Part-2: “Foresight”, Really?

A very short selection from Essay Twenty-Two in Darwin, Dogen, and the Extremophile Choice. He moved very, very slowly and carefully. With the most slight and gentle movements, trying to catch at the sound he moved his head round what seemed like a billionth part of a billionth part of a degree, slipped behind a …

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Old Buddha Speaks, Part-1: Resource-Partitions, ‘Favoured’ by Competitive Exclusion, are ‘Codified’ by Sexual Traits

All of Essay Thirteen in Darwin, Dogen, and the Extremophile Choice.  … the result is not death to the unsuccessful competitor, but few or no offspring. Sexual selection is, therefore, less rigorous than natural selection. —Charles Darwin [1] From the ecological standpoint, a species is a population of organisms that can’t breed beyond itself without …

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The Journey (to Find a Pathway to Global Climate and Conservation Responsibility) Step 5 of 8 – Humans and Nature, and The Watcher

Thur. Aug. 9/07    When You’re Not Lost To tell your own story As if it’s real Is to be lost. This is allowed When you and your audience Both know when you’re lost As well as you know when you’re not.   Only stories can have such endings.   Not knowing. I have argued this …

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